1 - Download and install the game, if not done already. 2 - Start the game. 3 - Use the ordering screens in the game. Downloading Master of Defense Full Version. If not done already, download & install the game from here so you can start the game from your computer's desktop. Click Here To Download Master of Defense Free. Get the full PC game download for Master of Defense. Tested safe & secure. Defend your village from invading monsters in this real-time strategic thriller. Master of Defense for iPad, iPhone, Android, Mac & PC! In this real-time strategy game, you are tasked with building towers to defend your citizens.!
Re: my comment at #51:
I had already done all of the things you suggest.. I didn't miss the 'create shortcut' step.. and it DID place the shortcut on my desktop -- the 'Master Of Defense' shortcut -- which apparently only starts the 'Download Full Version' process, and kicks off the DEP alert. I HAD already navigated to the GAME folder and created the 'Main.exe' shortcut myself, which is how I got the game to start (I did write that I had no problem getting the game to start) but still no registration box came up, no matter how many times I tried. I also scoured ALL of the files in the GAME folder for something I may have overlooked in the process. I tried scouring the developers site, which was equally as fruitless, as was writing to them.
Just because only myself and one other have bothered to post a comment about the registration problem, doesn't mean that others haven't had the same problem, because I KNOW from experience, that not everyone who meets with installation or registration problems, can even be bothered to post a comment about it, mainly because of the unhelpful 'it must be you because everyone else is fine' response, which is really quite antagonistic.
..............Moderator comment..................
You need to chill out mate. I wasn't trying to be antagonistic, I was simply stating what I see as common sense when looking at the number of downloads and then looking at the number of users with the problem that you stated. All the games given away via the game giveaway site have been throughly checked to make sure they work and are also checked for viri.
If a game doesn't work for a few users yet there has been several thousand downloads, I think it very likely that it is user error or a computer problem on the users side. Theres no way thousands of users wouldn't bother to post a comment if they were all having problems registering the game.
I've never had any problems installing any game giveaway since this project started back in December 2006 apart from one ( a breakout, the name of which I've forotten) that virtually everyone had problems with, and I've installed all but a few of them. Yet I notice from previous comments of yours that you've had other problems running games; doesn't that say anything about your own computer????
All that said you are quite right; not everyone bothers to post a comment. In fact generally only 0.1% of users comment when alls well, but when there has been a genuine problem (which is very rare) then the number of complaints and requests for advice skyrockets. I've been moderating this comments section for years so can speak from experience.
The facts speak for themselves; there were over 8000 downloads of this game and only two users posted that they had problems registering it; Statistically, I'd say that says a lot about there not being any real problems registering this game.
If you read my comments throughout the day, I put a lot of effort into trying to help as many users as possible, as well as spending hours writing up a review. I find your attitude rather surprising considering the friendly posts you've made previously and too be honest am rather disgusted especially after trying to help you. I can't believe you took offense just because I had the audacity to suggest/imply that it may be your own fault. Maybe I should follow in the footsteps of moderators in the main givaway site and not bother even replying to any queries (apart from BuBBy when he has the time). No I'd never do that because even though I do this voluntarily I actually care when users can't get their games to work. I can't always solve the problems, but I do try,as you should be able to see from many of the replies I make under the guise of .... Moderator comment... By the way, I am the only moderator who ever bothers to reply to users on the game giveawayoftheday comments section.
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